marți, 3 mai 2011

Water, sanitation and hygiene: keys to a dignified life

In the same way that water is the essence of life, relying on
sanitation and hygiene services implies the coverage of basic
universal needs that, for many, is a luxury. Their impacts and
benefits are immediate at a domestic and community level, but
despite this they are frequently ignored as critical elements that
allow families better performance in their daily activities within
a healthy environment. Children are especially vulnerable to illnesses because of a
contaminated environment. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), improvement in the supply of water
reduced child mortality caused by diarrhea by 21 percent, but
by the simple act of washing hands at critical moments this can
reduce the number of diarrhea cases by up to 35 percent.
Regional programs and projects have promoted the
participation of communities in driving their own change, by
promoting secure hygienic practices and access to basic
services, especially in excluded populations, almost always
dispersed, such as indigenous groups, suburban and rural
populations. Following is presented a selection of
these experiences.

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